
Posts uit mei, 2017 tonen

Today I made a refugee cry

I work for a Christian School Board. My job is ICT. Not general ICT, but application management. So all day I, of course, get general ICT questions from coworkers and I refer them to the systems manager (some company on the phone) or I begrudgingly help them. Our office is in a building with mostly NGO's, for some reason. Another thing is our toilet is in the hall where every worker and visitor for the building comes in. When I've gone to pee, I usually try to ignore people that happen to be in the hall. For some reason today I didn't (the reason maybe being we'll be getting our own private toilets, in a few months!). Today, there was a woman in the hall that apparently didn't know where to go. So this time, instead of walking on, I asked: do you know where to go? So she did, but didn't understand how. "How" is not that difficult, except it totally is if you've never been; you have to ring the bell outside the office building, after selecti