
Posts uit oktober, 2017 tonen

"I welcome all feelings, good and bad" - overspannenheid en de Nederlandse Klimaatbeweging

Noodgedwongen heb ik mijn afgelopen klimaatweekend ook gebruikt voor geestelijk herstel. Ik heb de laatste tijd namelijk wat last gehad van wat overspannenheidsklachten. Overspannenheid komt vaker dan gemiddeld voor in de klimaatbeweging. Waarom is dat eigenlijk? Het thema van het klimaatweekend was klimaatrechtvaardigheid. Op zondag kwamen de Guardians of the Forest langs. De dag werd geopend met verscheidene openingsceremonies, zo dansten we op drums en stelde iedereen zich kort voor. Ook brachten we offers door iets op het vuur te gooien. Dat was symbolisch: we gooiden er een takje op en daarbij uitten we een wens.  Mijn wens luidde: "I welcome all feelings, Good and bad, There's a place for all of them" Ik was erg onder de indruk van mijn eigen wens. Ik had hem niet helemaal zelf verzonnen: afgezien van de formulering was het wat een meisje me de avond ervoor had gezegd. Ze bemande de bar bij het kampvuur en als een goede barvrouw hoorde ze me aan. Ik was nie

Thoughts on Stranger Things (inspired by Wisecrack)

Great video essay by the lovely channel  Wisecrack  on what probably makes  Stranger Things  great. Little reveal: it's not really nostalgia. It's something way more deep and beautiful. (As I'm typing, I see season 2 is dropping in less than an hour. I won't be able to see it for a couple of days, though.) To go into the Wisecrack video a very little bit, spoilers for that, just watch it first, it's not long (information heavy, for sure): The video also mentions  South Park 's memberberries. The memberberries are designed to be very irritating characters, with success. South Park is completely on point with them, though: nostalgia is used terribly unimaginative in society now. It's more a dumb kind of fetish. So Strangers Things looks like a lot of nostalgia, and *is*, on the surface, but at the core it's about taking kids and kids' world view seriously. That *seems* like nostalgia, but it's way deeper and, to me, moving. My criticism

Is Donald Trump a fascist?

So is Donald Trump a fascist? Just some musings by someone that doesn't actually know that much about that term. So it's not that fascism is smart (or dumb, for that matter, it's just a form of government), but I'm afraid Trump is too dumb to be a fascist. So if he's a fascist, he'd be an proponent of something like dumb-fascism. (Is Trump dumb? Maybe not terribly, but just willfully ignorant on too many subjects. Maybe it's more of a trait of totalitarianism in general, but fascist regimes will create internal and external enemies. Internal ones I think are most striking. Does he create does? Yes. But in more ways than you'd imagine. More obvious ones are immigrants in general, especially Muslims and Mexicans. But really it's possibly *all* minorities that are the internal enemy. It's quite amazing, really, such diligence from such a lazy guy, but hate makes even this deadbeat productive. So which minorities among others? People of color,