
Posts uit mei, 2018 tonen

Culture novels: list from best to worst

I’ve read all the Culture novels. Took me some years. So it took me some years because it’s written pretty slowly. Or it reads that way, how do you say it? That’s the style and you’d best try to like it, or it takes you years to finish the books. I don’t think the Culture novels are Art, or Literature. I think they mostly excel in the world buillding. I’ll now list the novels from favorite to less favoritd. Disliked even. The list is losely in my head before writing this and I can say the main thing I’m scoring on are world building, Ideas (philosophies) and joy of reading. The Player of Games. I don’t know if it’s the best. It’s the first I read, happily accidently the first one I’d recommend anyone to read first. I’ve gifted it to many people, I suspect no one read it, hehe. I think it’s rude to ask someone if they’ve read your gift. Also if they’ve read and liked it, they’ll tell you. So I’ve only asked my brother, he read one chapter. So the Player of Games reads