Impressions of PANN-on-Tour

Impressions of PANN-on-Tour, a popular hetero-friendly, gay party (translated from Dutch).

Girl: "How do you guys like the party?"
Me: "I think there's too many teenagers."
Girl: "Do you think I'm a teenager?"
Me: "Nooooo, of course not!"

Going up to a teenage boy and girl.
Me: "I think you guys are sweet."
Girl: "We're both 18. I'm fully out of the closet, but he's still doubtful whether he's gay."
Me: "Well, good luck."

At the urinal one guy comments on the other's 'manlihood'.
Me: "You can't do that. It's not done."
Him: "But I've known him all my life!"
Me: "Well, that does change it a bit."
Him: "I've put it in my mouth. With my eyes closed."
Me: "With your eyes closed?"
Him: "He's put it in my butt, from behind."
Me: "Then you certainly didn't see it!"
Him: "Oh, right. Hehe."


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